Managing stress is a continuous problem related to my academic activities. All the time colleagues share pictures and comics that jokes about this constant position.
As youth researchers, competence, progress, and control of project are in deep the major skills to develop. On the other hand, we need to find a balance between life, career and personal projects to get a successful life. In this short lifetime, our sacrifices need to be eventually prized. Unfortunately, main motivations are not considered as a priority by the status quo. Sacrificed is a double face in our career, in which low incomes, higher amounts of work and tasks to complete, and competencies are important, in detrimental of our personal life.
I usually love to see a Mexican program called "Taller de actores profesionales". This program consists of an actor's interviews. On this, a constant point in each episode are expressions of honesty, professionalism, rigor, passion, kindness, humility, and compromise. In academy career, some of these values are poorly represented. Other values like hard work, objective motivations, and avant-guard project motivates progress in science but brought as consequence inequality in all implicates actors.
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